But we wanted to continue to take pictures on our trip, so I did what any reasonable person would, I went shopping for a new digital camera. There were plenty of disposable types available at the grocery stores, pharmacy, and touristy places, but the only store that sold digital cameras was the hardware store. And it was pink. So I bought a pink camera.
It worked great, and we still used it after we got home. But then, one day when we were out taking pictures of ourselves in different places in Salt Lake, Katie handed me the camera, while still in its case, and I accidentally dropped it.
It still works, but there is a significant dent in the top corner where the controls are, which makes certain modes nonfunctional. Katie was upset. So was I.
So recently, Katie found a great deal on a camera and bought it, and I promised I wouldn't touch it. That way I couldn't drop it. And last week I found an awesome deal on a camera, so I ordered it. It should arrive this week.
So now we'll each have a small simple camera to take pictures with. Hopefully that means we'll both get more practice. I even got a flickr account in preparation to post all my adventures.