Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day 2011!

Wow it is cold this morning! Seems like winter will never end. But Punxsutawney Phil saw no shadow, so that means no more winter!

We have these complicated models of weather predictions like doppler radar and weather balloons and the Weather Channel with in-depth wall-sized graphics of pressure fronts and weathermen with white sport coats. Unfortunately to most of us the Weather Channel, and all weather forecasts wherever they are is just some form of fiction. And no matter what Thunderstorm or Snowpocalypse of whatever, whom do we trust? A groundhog surrounded by men in funny hats.

I guess we'll see if the groundhog is right. Only time will tell. After all, he's only right 39 percent of the time.

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