Monday, October 11, 2010

Nevermind that

All good bloggers make some serious cash doing it. But simple amateur bloggers don't. I have just learned a few ways that might make us a little money on this blog. The first is ads.

If you have been a regular follower of this blog you've probably noticed the absence of any ads. Well, that's just because we didn't know how to get them. You see, ads are a good thing. Advertisers pay you if you can get someone to click on their ads. It's not much but enough clicks over time really adds up. But it's against the rules for me to click on my own ads or to force or direct someone to do it. But if there happens to be something there that interests you or otherwise entices you to click, that's what they are for.

The second is affiliate marketing. That's the technical term for the program where I suggest a product and if you use my link and buy it I get a cut of the profit since I sent you there.

You can expect this blog's content to stay pretty much the same because we know that's what brings you back every time. We'll keep posting family pictures and interesting things about our life.

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